Friday 4 May 2007

All Set To Target Something

Finally my mind is all set and the blogger in me is emerging from "hibernation". It seems that my past mistakes on Maelstrom are finally just history and nothing else. Nobody has much ill feelings anymore, at least that is my perception. With that behind me I still have to come up with something to blog about which seems to be the issue now. Therefore, it will only be some rants and musings.

Do celebrities irk you? I find them just obnoxious especially the show offs. If politicians are hypocrites for power and money, celebrities are just insecure attention seeking hypocritic freaks. I'm suddenly ranting about celebrities due to the sudden emergence of E!, a celebrity trash channel on Astro. The channel is already irritating to me and what I don't understand is why my family members are hooked to E!.

What I get to hear on this E! is stupid. They have reasons why Tyra Banks or Jennifer Lopez are hot. There is also trash about celebrity boobs. They will tell you how obscene dresses are worn. Earlier this morning there was a segment about Britney's sexed upped adventures. The examples I give may be a bit bias but my assertions that E! is a rubbish channel isn't unfounded.

My view on celebrities are simple. The females are overhyped and overpaid loose women. They go sleeping around and blowing their millions on entertaining themselves. The men are no different. In fact men are worse because they wield all the influence in showbiz. Rappers are gangsters who never respect women. Hugh Hefner have been using women for years. Is hell waiting for him?

A new breed of celebrities are emerging as well. Welcome to the world where celebrities and politicians stand shoulder to shoulder spewing out utter lies and hypocrisy. John Travolta tells people to reduce emissions while he flies around the world in private jets which emit tonnes of carbon dioxide. Sheryl Crow urges people to use one square of toilet paper per bombing trip. Does she do the same? Forget it! These hypocrites must shut their mouths before everyone sees through their emptiness.

~~Celebrities are the left side of a Pharisee, politicians are the right side of a Pharisee. Together they make the represent the Pharisees who personify hypocrisy~~

~multum in parvo~